How do I know my submitted trend data is normal?
Jet-Care does not automatically report to you by return, unless you require this service. If we do not contact you the current status remains normal for the data Jet-Care received. Your results are available on webECHO 24/7.
If you wish to receive your results, by email, every time you send data please request 'Status Notification Reports'. These simple text emails (no attachments) will be forwarded to you, or any other email address you require, at no more than 24 hours from receipt of data. To request a 'Status Notification Report' contact us at
Note: If newly received data shows significant issues we will contact you with a special non-routine report - Alert or Advisory. We will also call you for all Alerts (Advanced Warning Status).
Jet-Care does not automatically report to you by return, unless you require this service. If we do not contact you the current status remains normal for the data Jet-Care received. Your results are available on webECHO 24/7.
If you wish to receive your results, by email, every time you send data please request 'Status Notification Reports'. These simple text emails (no attachments) will be forwarded to you, or any other email address you require, at no more than 24 hours from receipt of data. To request a 'Status Notification Report' contact us at
Note: If newly received data shows significant issues we will contact you with a special non-routine report - Alert or Advisory. We will also call you for all Alerts (Advanced Warning Status).