Spectro | Jet-Care laboratories awarded Rolls-Royce Solutions approval

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How does Jet-Care report after I have sent data?

  • webECHO™ - On-line resource – provides immediate and 24/7 reporting for engine status, customer information, file archives, etc.
  • Unscheduled Reports   -  within 24 hours of data receipt:
  • Status Notification Report – a simple email sent within 24 hours of receipt of new data, with any associated comments - where status remains Normal
  • Advisory Report  (Early Warning Status) – issued regarding a change in condition which may cause engine damage, deterioration or incorrect indication with request for information or recommendations
  • Alert Report (Advanced Warning Status) - issued when there appears to be a genuine risk of continuing engine damage and deterioration, including sufficient loss of ower margins in ITT and N2
  • Routine Reports (monthly)  
  • Delivered by email (PDF) to all required contacts for monthly review
  • By operator fleet, or individual / specified aircraft as required
  • Provides engine trend status based on date of data, data type, comments, latest trend plots, data sheets, etc.